Rebuilding Pacific Palisades: A Fight Over Affordability
When disaster strikes, rebuilding offers a chance to not just restore what was lost, but to create something better. In the wake of the devastating Pacific Palisades fire, which destroyed more than 5,500 homes, a heated debate has emerged: Should rebuilding efforts include more affordable housing, or should the affluent enclave remain exclusive?
California's Housing: Key Laws Taking Effect January 1, 2025
Governor Newsom signed into law a comprehensive bipartisan housing package to build on California’s long-term strategy to help address homelessness and housing scarcity.
SB 4: A Step Toward Affordable Housing in California
SB 4 is now law, allowing faith-based organizations & non-profit colleges to build affordable homes on their land.
Ellen Bildsten interview on Radio Real Estate
In this week’s Radio Real Estate, Ellen talks with Mark Schneidman and Tom Oschner about the upcoming AIA ArchitecTours, Santa Barbara’s plans for State Street, and more. Bildsten Architecture and Planning will have a project, Modern Farmhouse Remodel, featured in this year’s tour which takes place on October 1st, 2022.
We’re Featured in Redfin’s “14 Expert Tips to Consider Before You Build an ADU”
We were asked to contribute a tip to Redfin’s article 14 Expert Tips to Consider Before You Build an ADU. The article is full of interesting insights from other professionals who work regularly with ADU design and construction. See our tip below, or click here to read the whole article.
Governor Newsom Signs SB9 in an Effort to Curb the Housing Crisis
By signing Senate Bill 9 into law, Newsom opened the door for the development of up to four residential units on single-family lots across California.
Santa Barbara City Council Creates State Street Master Plan
The Santa Barbara City Council has voted 7-0 to create a master plan for State Street and established a committee to oversee it. State Street, a hallmark of downtown Santa Barbara, has undergone many changes during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the question of where it will head next is on many people’s minds.
Thoughts from the AIA’s 2020 Design Charette
The Santa Barbara chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIASB) just concluded its 2020 Design Charrette where members of the design professions and the community at large gathered virtually over the past six weeks to consider this year’s theme to "re-invigorate, re-invent, re-imagine, and re-purpose downtown Santa Barbara for the future".
Santa Barbara City Council Adopts AUD Amendments for the Central Business District
Santa Barbara City Council adopted the following amendments to the AUD Multi-family Housing Program in the Central Business District (CBD) effective September 3, 2020
Accessory Dwelling Units are Here to Stay
In 2020, it became easier than ever to build Accessory Dwelling Units in California, thanks to changes in state ADU law.
Workshop: Evolving Transportation Trends in Vibrant Communities
On May 19th, Ellen Bildsten of Bildsten Architecture and Planning moderated a workshop on Evolving Transportation Trends in Vibrant Communities at the all-day conference hosted by the Coastal Housing Coalition. Formed in 2005 in response to the region’s critical housing shortage, the CHC works to promote affordable housing for the local workforce by communicating with communities and their decision-makers, shaping housing policy and endorsing well-designed and appropriate residential projects.
Ellen Bildsten Moderates Panel at CHC Conference 2016
The annual housing conference held on May 13, 2016 discussed our record-setting low vacancy rates along with continued escalating rental prices in Santa Barbara County. The keynote speaker Dan Parolek emphasized the importance of providing more affordable community-based living as well as efforts to create higher density housing of the local workforce.
Takeaways from the 2015 Santa Barbara Housing Conference
On Friday, April 10, leaders and community members came together at the Coastal Housing Coalition’s Santa Barbara Housing Conference to discuss the significant issues affecting workers county-wide. The South Coast has become a difficult place for many citizens to both live and work in…