Governor Newsom Signs SB9 in an Effort to Curb the Housing Crisis

Today, Governor Newsom signed Senate Bill 9 into law.

SB9 is a bill that was created to help California’s housing crisis. It has two main parts. The first part allows California homeowners of single-family homes to split their parcel into two pieces, as long as they’re of roughly equal size, and build a new residence on the new parcel. The second part allows homeowners to build a single-family home or duplex on the new parcel. It also allows homeowners to split their current single-family home into a duplex. This now allows a single-family zoned property that only had one home on it to have up to four homes on it.

This law will make a big difference for owners of single-family zoned property, as it allows them to build more housing on their property than has ever been allowed previously.

We have developed a free informational guide for anyone interested in more information on this topic and how it might apply to you. This information can be found here - it includes zoning information, flowcharts, and more.

We also offer a property analysis service for those interested in developing their property to see what’s possible. Click here or visit the “resources” section of our website for more information.

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